Dutch Europoliticians regret postponement of use of 'green' fertilizer

The Dutch MEPs in the EU Agriculture Committee react with disappointment at the fact that processed natural fertilizer substitutes are not yet allowed everywhere. The European Commission says that the approval of green manure substitutes will not be decided until next year at the earliest. 

European Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski wants to link the authorization of new substances to agreements on less use, to be laid down in a 'nutrient management plan'. Brussels believes that in water-rich gebieden too much nitrate ends up in the soil and drinking water. 

The three Dutchmen in the Ruissen Agricultural Committee (SGP), Schreijer-Pierik (CDA) and Huitema (VVD) had once again insisted on admission at the beginning of this week. The Netherlands has a manure surplus. That will only increase if the 'derogation' disappears from next year. 

Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) was seriously disappointed in the renewed postponement. His VVD colleague Jan Huitema speaks of 'a dead sparrow'. Ruissen immediately seized the plenary session of the European Parliament on Wednesday evening for a cry for help. Outside the regular agenda, he was given short speaking time to respond to the disappointing Commission announcement. 

Ruissen called on the EC to give fertilizer substitutes a real chance. “You are looking for fertilizers in Oman, Turkmenistan and Qatar, while an important part of the solution is simply present here in the EU: nutrients from animal manure that we can process ourselves into high-quality, renewable fertilizers.

It is a solution that the Commission is again completely untapped. I know one thing: if the Commission sticks to all kinds of conditions, large parts of the EU fertilizer substitutes will not get off the ground," says Ruijsen.