Accession of agricultural giant Ukraine to EU is approaching

The admission of agricultural giant Ukraine to the European Union has come a major step closer. The European Commission formally determined on Wednesday that the European Union must start accession negotiations with Ukraine.

The Russian war against Ukraine accelerates the accession process, but at the same time leads to major political risks. Immediately after the start of the Russian attack, Ukraine applied to become a member of the EU at the end of February 2022, and was granted candidate member state status shortly afterwards. 

The European Commission also cleared the way on Wednesday for accelerated admission of Moldova, which is also threatened by Russia. The Russians have also taken part of that country (Transnistria). 

Ukraine has completed 90 percent of the required preparatory steps according to the EU Commissioners, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. President Zelensky's government needs a little more time for the remaining 10 percent in its fight against corruption and the dominance of oligarchs. 

The heads of government of the EU member states must formalize the decision during a special EU summit in mid-December. Because unanimity is required and Hungary and Slovakia have already expressed doubts, the actual start of accession negotiations is not yet certain. 

Moreover, the actual conclusion of these negotiations may take many years, as is already the case with the Balkan countries. These negotiations can even get stuck, as is now the case with Turkey.

European agricultural circles are eagerly awaiting European decisions on the admission of Ukraine, because that country would then instantly become the largest agricultural producer in the EU. Their products without restrictions on the European free market would turn many existing trade relations upside down. It is also clear that the entire financing system for the EU agricultural subsidies will shift significantly.