More European citizens satisfied with agricultural policy and trade agreements

Photo by Joao Marcelo Marques on Unsplash

A recent Eurobarometer survey shows that EU citizens' support for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is at its highest since 2007. In addition, support for trade agreements with non-EU countries is growing.

The survey shows that 78% of respondents are aware of the CAP, the highest percentage in almost two decades. About 81% believe that the EU agricultural policy ensures a stable food supply, while 70% believe that the policy contributes to sustainable agricultural practices and strengthens the position of farmers in the food chain.

Citizens value the role of agriculture and rural areas; 92% consider them important for the future of the EU. More than half (56%) consider the level of EU financial support to farmers appropriate, an increase of ten percentage points since 2022 and the highest level since 2013. In addition, 88% support subsidies for climate- and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Regarding trade agreements with non-EU countries, 76% of Europeans see them as positive for the diversification of markets and the supply of agricultural products. Some 73% think that such agreements promote the export of EU agricultural products, and 71% believe that they contribute to the promotion of EU labour and environmental standards, including animal welfare, in other countries.

In Germany, support for the CAP has also increased. According to Agrarzeitung, a majority of German citizens give the green light to EU agricultural subsidies, indicating that the CAP can count on broad support there too.

According to the EU researchers, these findings underscore the growing trust of EU citizens in both the CAP and international trade agreements. They highlight the importance citizens attach to a stable food supply, sustainable agricultural practices and the integration of EU standards into global trade relations.