The Russian war against Ukraine clearly influences how Europeans think about the upcoming European elections. Eight in ten EU citizens (81%) consider the June 6-9 elections even more important due to the geopolitical situation. Most Dutch citizens (88%) also agree with this.
The European Parliament's latest Eurobarometer survey shows a positive trend for key election indicators. In the Netherlands, 86% indicates that they are likely to vote. This is slightly higher than the EU average. Interest in voting has increased among Dutch people compared to the same period before the 2019 elections.
In the Netherlands, in addition to EU defense (50%), especially migration and asylum (48%), climate change (45%) are high on the voters' priority list. But for the average EU citizen, these are the fight against poverty and social exclusion (33%), public health (32%), economy and new jobs (31%), and only then EU defense and security (31%).
In contrast to the average EU citizen, the Dutch consider the themes of public health (16%) and support for the economy and the creation of new jobs (11%) less important for this election campaign.
83% of Dutch citizens (81% in the EU) have a positive or neutral image of the European Parliament, while only 17% is negative (18% in the EU). Moreover, a majority in the Netherlands (55%) would like the EP to play a more important role. 37% wants just the opposite, which is higher than the EU average (28%). Furthermore, 80% believes that the Netherlands, on the whole, benefits from EU membership.
Commenting on the survey results, EP President Metsola added: “Parliament and the European Union have achieved an unprecedented feat in recent years. We have faced exceptional and challenging circumstances, but we have emerged stronger and more united.”