EU will force Big Tech to do something against abuse on the internet

The European Parliament wants to impose stricter restrictions on the trade and activities of large internet platforms. In some cases, tech companies like Facebook and Google have to get content off the web. It must also become impossible to engage in criminal activities on the internet, and compensation must be provided for victims of internet users. 

Parliament spoke about the European Commission's plans to hold major internet platforms such as Facebook, often referred to as 'Big Tech', responsible for banned or criminal web activities. It concerns issues such as algorithms, privacy and illegal content. Those proposals concern many MEPs; they have now tightened up the proposal. 

Because Big Tech is too often involved in the distribution of illegal and harmful content, they are now required to conduct risk assessments and independent reviews. This should be mandatory. 

If large online platforms do not work carefully or break the rules and internet users suffer as a result, they should be able to complain. Compensation may also be incurred in that case. 

These measures will make digital internet traffic a lot safer, says PvdA MEP Paul Tang. Together with 64 colleagues from four different parties, he had tabled amendments to ban the use of data on religion, sexual orientation and health for targeting of advertisements. 'I'm glad they made it. Security and transparency on the internet are of great importance to all of us," Tang said.