Danes do not buy most groceries online

An opinion survey in Denmark shows that nine in ten residents prefer the local supermarket over a digital supermarket for most of their daily shopping.

Although online shopping is also growing in Denmark, the physical store is still by far popular with customers when it comes to daily purchases. Even among people in their twenties and thirties, more than 87 percent still prefer the shopping cart for most groceries.

Not all trade has moved online yet. However, there are major differences in product groups. For example, Danes mainly order clothing, entrance tickets and takeaway meals via the internet, according to the study commissioned by the Danish retailers' organization.

“Supermarkets are well able to adapt to the demand for range and service and many new concepts have been introduced, including more convenience products. The research shows that shopping is connected to a daily pattern and routine,” says Jannick Nytoft, CEO of De Samvirkende Købmænd.

“I'm glad that so many Danes are still enthusiastic about the physical store, but it doesn't surprise me. Our traders do everything they can to make their stores exciting and inviting and there is plenty of inspiration for our meals. It obviously attracts many customers.”

“In the physical store you can see, touch and smell the products, which allows the customer to make better decisions and choose the best products. There is also the option of personal advice from employees if you have questions or need help finding certain products. And then you immediately receive the purchased goods and avoid delivery costs and the risk of delays or other problems with delivery.” Jannick Nytoft points out.